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Vision & Action - Gospel Centered Life

Image by Arun Prakash
Image by Jon Tyson


Proverbs 29:18


“Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” 


Core Learning - What does a God Dream look like?


Acts 2:17-19

"I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams. When the time comes, I'll pour out my Spirit On those who serve me, men and women both, and they'll prophesy. I'll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below…..



Steve Jobs Visionary Innovator and Developer - Changed the world


Steven Furtick

'If your vision for your life isn't intimidating to you, it's probably insulting to God'




Innovation and Creativity is a gift from God - God is creative and so are we


The dreamers create the future.


God wants to use us in all spheres of life - Church, Community, Business, Government, Arts, Sport etc...


No matter what Dreams you have for your life God can use that space. He doesn't just use pastors and ministers. Thats just one aspect of where God might call you.


No matter where God calls you the Gospel will remain a central part of what He uses you for and its understanding what living for God looks like in your space.



The way that Jesus has impacted your life should flow into every area of your life - We don't want to compartmentalize our lives where we have a part that's for work, a part for family, a part for hobbies, a part for Church and God... No, god should be flooded through every aspect of our lives as we live for him.




There is always a way to share or express the Gospel in all aspects of our lives. We dont have to be pushy or condemning like some Chirtsians have been in the past. But we do want to live in a way that leads people to Jesus in whatever area of influence we have.


'Faith comes by hearing' - Hearing for the world involved people being able to share and speak the Gospel in many ways.


The Romans Road:

1. The Human Problem (Romans 3:10Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23). 

2. Humanity’s Hope in Christ (Romans 5:8). 

3. The Sinner’s Response (Romans 10:9-10 and Romans 10:13). 

4. The Result of Salvation (Romans 5:1-2Romans 8:1). 


Gospel Definition - The Gospel is the Good News that our relationship with God is no longer determined by us but by Jesus. not by our performance but by His, Not by our ability but by His.



At the end of our lives we don't just want to have made slotted into the same way the rest of the world lives but have our lives be used by God to see people encounter Jesus and live their lives for Him.

Exercise or Practice

Death Notice book - Write the booklet that will be given out at your funeral.



Front page – Title


Second page – Timeline of things done highlights.


Third page – Four Pictures of significance things, people, family, friends, moments etc.


Fourth page – summery of the life lived what people will remember you for and dreams of what the future holds


Create Vision Statement from this.

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