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Thank you for your contribution to the future!

To make a Pledge towards the Future Faith Fund that you are working towards or believing for please click the button below.

If you are ready to give now or fulfilling the pledge you have made then click this button below.



Tithes & Offerings
Many who call Village home have a regular biblical habit
of giving to God and His Church. The combined ministry
of Village Church can function due to the ongoing
commitment of everyone who tithes or gives each week.


These funds cover ministry and expenses such as:
- Sunday Chapel

- Overseas Mission (Empart)
- Youth

- Rent and Bills
- Kids

- Wages
- Alpha

- Equipment
- Small Groups

- Emergency Relief
- Youth Alive

- Church Plants

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭NIV

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


This is a contribution towards the future of Village Church. This is generational generosity with sustainability and Gods kingdom purposes in mind. These contributions are an offering over and above our regular giving. Every cent of the FUTURE FAITH FUND is in a separate account and not used for the day-to-day ministry of Village Church.

Ways to contribute:
1. UPFRONT OFFERING - Contribution to property deposit.
2. ONGOING COMMITMENT - Scheduled contribution to payments and upgrades.
3. FUTURE LUMP SUMS - Contributions when the opportunity comes towards the payments and upgrades to the property.


A pledge is the amount you feel you can give before you actually give the funds.

Stage 1: Prayerfully consider what you can contribute to the FUTURE FAITH FUND and submit your Pledge. This is essential for finance being approved to purchase a property. On Sundays or online you can submit your Pledge amounts.

*All online pledges will require a name for our administration team due to anyone being able to access the website, anonymous pledges are welcome to be done in person any Sunday and submitted in the giving box in the auditorium.

Stage 2: Submitting the Pledged Amounts of ‘UPFRONT OFFERING’ & commencing the ‘ONGOING COMMITMENT’.

Throughout August - October

FUTURE FAITH FUND Account Information:

Name - Village Church Tasmania Inc.

BSB - 017 526

Account - 6584 10372

Reference - Future Faith Fund


Or reference the FUTURE FAITH FUND with General Village Bank Account Details

Proverbs‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”




The story of Village began in with a handful of people who gathered to pray and seek God, wondering is God calling us to start a new Church amongst the already incredible Churches in the city of Devonport Tasmania. Since then we have met in a couple of different places and have seen God transforming lives and building a community of people who have become family!


What does the future look like? Lets find out together and see what God can do with surrendered lives and a surrendered Church!

The paranaple centre

Day One! Level 2, the first place we gathered. We started with a small prayer meeting at the end of 2021. Humble beginnings & hungry hearts.


As time went on we began exploring the possibilities of Village Church and met some wonderful people, many that now call Village home and each other family! Teams formed to serve and reach others.

Village Church officially launched in March 2022. We then continued to form Small Groups and meet together on Sunday afternoons. Setting up and packing down each week, learning and growing together and trusting God with each step along the way. Towards the end of 2022 we started running out of room in the meeting room we had grown fond of.


Forbes St

Starting 2023 we knew we needed to find another space. That led to the Forbes St location where we currently meet. Owned by the Devonport Lutheran Church, it became clear it would be a win-win for Village to use the space too.

After some paint and work to freshen things up we had our first Sunday at Forbes St in March 2023. A couple of weeks later we celebrated the 1st year of Village Church and had our first Baptism Sunday. We could now setup more permanently and create a better space for our kids programs, prayer meetings, Alpha and launch Village Youth in the second half of 2023.

As more people found a home at Village, in November 2023 due to needing more space we started a 10am service. Some special people have joined us and special moments have taken place at Forbes St. As both our Sunday services continue to grow, it's clear we need to start exploring a new place. 

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Forth Rd

We have been looking for the next place for a while now, wondering what would come next at the right time. We looked through many options like sharing buildings or leasing a larger space that would meet the needs of our growing church. Buying a property didn't really seem like an option until we started doing the numbers on a lease property and the setup costs for a place we wouldn't even own.


The Forth Rd property continued popping up, so we began to wonder... Could it be our next place? Could it be our forever place? It would mean no more moving or wondering "where to next". We could put down our roots at a site we could grow into and develop. Could it be a facility that reaches and blesses our community for many years to come?


The dreaming started, the conversations sparked, and the sense of Gods Spirit has taken us down a pathway where we now have the opportunity to purchase the property at Forth Rd.


The site sits on 6 acres, with buildings that cater for Sundays, kids, youth, and hospitality, plus endless other community outreach and evangelistic opportunities. Could a place built to grow and develop healthy plants be purposed for Gods Kingdom to grow and develop healthy and fruitful lives?

What an adventure Church planting is! We are more convinced than ever that it takes a Village to be the people God has called us to be and only together can we see His Kingdom established here in Devonport.

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