Team Building - Empowering Others
Ronald Reagan
"There is no limit to what you can achieve as long as you don't care who gets the credit for it"
Core Learning - A healthy Team leads to a fulfilled Dream.
Flick through the book of Matthew highlighting the way Jesus build team
Matthew 4:18-22
One of the first things Jesus did was begin to build a team. After being commissioned by God and sent into his ministry he was first faced with the devil and then built a team.
Jesus began with rounding them up but he spent his whole life building them.
Gathered - Matthew 4:18-22 (Saw something more in them)
Taught – Matthew 5-7 (Taught them what he knew and had learned)
Exampled – Matthew 8-9 (Didn’t just talk but showed them how to live what he taught)
Commissioned and Released – Matthew 10 (Gave them Freedom and Opportunity)
He was transparent – Matthew 17:1-13 (Open and honest with them, Love and trust, personal)
Let them make mistakes – Matthew 17:14-20 (Learn from own mistakes, didn’t baby them, not perfect)
Corrected them – Matthew 19:13-15 (Still firm when needed, out of love not pride, for their benefit)
Friends not just people to do a job – Matthew 26:17-30 + John 20-21 (Love, mates, friends, encouraged them to press on to greater things when his time was done)
He took them on the Journey with Him, it was an invitation never forced.
Some leaders do everything themselves never put things in the hands of the team, it chokes them from growing.
Many leaders struggle with it because they want it to be perfect, perfection is not as important as people.
Opportunity is the most valuable thing you can offer someone as a leader, offer it and take it when it is offered.
Help people fail forwards. When they make a mistake learn and grow and move forward.
Look to build people not for what they can offer you but for what you can offer them.
Don’t get to focused on the duty of the team and forget the health of the people.
A healthy Team leads to a fulfilled Dream.
Exercise or Practice
Who are people we know that could be invited to the team?
Who should we invite to the next leadership course?
How could you build a team within Church to meet a need that's currently not being met?