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We are all being formed by something! In a world that tells us to be many things, it is vital as believers that we know what and who is forming us. So much so that we must look to Jesus and the scriptures to find the right food for our Soul!

John Ortberg in his book You Have a Soul, names the soul our 'Needy-Man', and it needs us to have an understanding of Spiritual Formation should we desire to have a healthy soul.

The saying goes 'You are what you eat', so what are you eating?...

Welcome to the Soul Food Series, an overview of Spiritual Formation, the Soul and the Practices that we can explore to follow the pathway of Discipleship to Jesus. 

This page is to act as a resource for you throughout the Soul Food Series. This is an opportunity to start some new habits, pick up some old ones again or explore a new way of devotion to Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Choose a book to read, a podcast to listen too or some new practices to try. Whatever you choose, create space for the things that will really feed your soul.

Create a Rule of Life

You will love this! A rule of life or maybe a less 'ruley' way to say it is, a Way of Life is a tool to help structure your formation. It acts like a trellis for a vine, bringing support, growth and fruitfulness that's possible with an intentional life of Practices. It's a wonderful way to collate the things you want to input into your day to day, week to week and month to month schedule so you can intentionally make the time for what matters to you. You can make it as simple or as complex as you'd like. Start with something you can follow through on, maybe even share it with a friend or do it together with someone and share your experiences and reflections.

Check out this Rule of Life builder resource from Practicing the Way.

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There are so many practices you can try. Many of them are somewhat linked and connected but here are 9 of them that could be a starting point or something new to try. Some practices are intentionally eliminating things in life and others intentionally adding, consider trying on of these that might grow your relationship with God in a new way.


In a busy world, rest is essential. Sabbath is a whole day in your week to stop, rest, delight and worship. Enjoy!


Without solitude it is vurtually impossible to live a spiritual life. Solutude is where we go to find God, where the world goes quiet and we find the peace and presence of God.


The quiet place is a place of prayer. Prayer can be talking to God, talking with God, listening to God & being with God.


This might be the most neglected in our culture. We tend to be better at feasting. Fasting is practicing suffering and increasing your capacity for joy in all circumstances. It's hard but worth it!


Scripture is the primary way we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. There are all sorts of ways to read scripture, slowly, in groups, alone, out loud. Its all good!


John Ortberg says 'We generally Sin alone but we Heal together.' We are not meant to follow Jesus alone! It's in relationships we are formed and forged. We need our Village.


When we live under our means rather than living over extended, it opens up all new possibilities. God is generous and self giving, when we give we get to participate in that outflow of love.


Jesus explained his life this way 'The son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.' Imagine if we lived this way! This can look many ways and each day is full of opportunities!


Our role isnt to convert anyone but it is to share what we have discovered in Jesus. The best way to do this is through hospitality, opening our homes and sharing our lives. Invite someone to your table!

Recommended Reading

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

The Critical Journey - Janet O. Hagberg & Robert A. Guelich

Good and Beautiful Series - James Bryan Smith

Practicing The Way - John Mark Comer

Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster

Beholding - Strahan Coleman

You Have a Soul - John Ortberg

Sacred Rhythms - Ruth Haley Barton

Get Your Life Back - John Eldridge

Secrets of the Secret Place - Bob Sorge

Pray Like Monks, Live Like Fools - Tyler Stanton

Why not go visit the New Page book shop in Devonport to find the right read for you?

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Soul Food Playlist

It's always nice to have a good playlist to go along with some Practices. Hopefully some of these songs will encourage your Soul!

Recommended Listening

Available on Apple & Spotify Podcasts


Village Church Tasmania

Catch up or re-listen to Sunday Chapels.


Rule of Life Podcast

By Practicing the Way


Things Above

By James Bryan Smith


Practicing the Way

By John Mark Comer & Tyler Staton

Image by Olena Bohovyk
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Watch the breakdown of the book, The Critical Journey by Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A Guelich. A helpful look at the stages we go through following Jesus.

Part One & Part Two Here:

Recommended Doing

Join a Small Group

We have a number of Small Groups that would love to connect with you.


We aren't created to do life alone, we all need a Village to become the people God has called us to be. Many of the Small Groups of Village Church run the Practicing the Way content for learning together more about the Practices and how we can put them into action.

Let us know if we can help support you in finding a group that would suit you!

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